Category: Blogging

Everything you need to set your blog up for success, and advice on transitioning to being a freelancer or small business owner

  • What it takes to become a full-time content creator (ConvertKit’s Creator Economy Report)

    What it takes to become a full-time content creator (ConvertKit’s Creator Economy Report)

    It’s no secret that the creator economy is on the rise. And as more creators are seeing success, more people are curious what they could achieve if they ventured into the world of content creation. Getting started as a content creator can feel like an overwhelming and unachievable goal. It’s easy to feel like a…

  • Content ideas to fill your December 2022 calendar

    Content ideas to fill your December 2022 calendar

    Stuck for December content ideas? We’ve got you covered with a list of key dates, awareness days, events and themes to use in your content calendar

  • Content ideas for November 2022

    Content ideas for November 2022

    November is fast approaching and while we’re excited about a new month, sitting in front of a blank content calendar with zero ideas of what to write can be daunting. But don’t worry! Below you’ll find a list of content ideas including key dates for awareness days, events and holidays to use as inspiration for…

  • How to start a blog in 2022 – 5 step beginner’s guide

    How to start a blog in 2022 – 5 step beginner’s guide

    Have you wanted to start a blog for a while now, but you’re stuck on where to start? In this post, I’ll guide you through the 5 simple steps to starting a blog that will have you online within one hour. Wait, isn’t blogging dead? You may have seen the phrase “blogging is dead” flying…

  • Why you need a website and a blog (not just a social media platform)

    Why you need a website and a blog (not just a social media platform)

    Creating a website and blog for your content, brand or business may seem overwhelming. Between the time it takes, the expense and the knowledge, it can seem like an impossible task but I’m here to tell you it’s not impossible. And actually, I think it’s one of the best things you can do. And if…

  • How to find a niche for your blog or business

    How to find a niche for your blog or business

    When you get started with having a blog, one of the things you’ll notice that comes up again and again is around having a niche.  A blog niche is a specific topic you create content about on your blog. When you decide on your niche, you need a clear understanding of who your ideal audience…

  • New to blogging? 5 ways to find new readers and build an engaged audience

    New to blogging? 5 ways to find new readers and build an engaged audience

    As more and more people venture into blogging this year, I’ve noticed an increase in questions related to getting noticed as a new blogger and finding new readers. Here are some of my tips to finding new readers and how to turn them into an engaged audience. 1. Know who you want to attract My…

  • Looking to revive your blog this year? Here are 5 ways to get it back on track after a break

    Looking to revive your blog this year? Here are 5 ways to get it back on track after a break

    As we enter 2020 tired of algorithms, shadow-banning and not-so-subtle pushes to boost our social posts for more reach, many of us are turning our attention back to our own little space on the internet… In fact, according to Statista, the number of bloggers in the United States alone is expected to reach 31.7 million this year.…

  • What is the California Consumer Online Privacy Act (CCPA) and does it apply to me?

    What is the California Consumer Online Privacy Act (CCPA) and does it apply to me?

    You may have seen a lot of chatter online about the CCPA law. Much like GDPR, it’s been discussed a lot but many people are still unsure as to what it means. The CCPA stands for The California Consumer Online Privacy Act. It is California’s newest privacy law, and is essentially California’s version of the…

  • 4 legal pages you NEED to have on your blog or website

    4 legal pages you NEED to have on your blog or website

    One of the great things about the internet is the ability for anyone to start a blog or website. And while it is relatively easy to get yourself online, there are certain rules that you have to research and legal requirements that you have to follow. One of those things is your site’s legal pages.…

  • What is Article 11 and 13? The new EU copyright legislation for creators

    What is Article 11 and 13? The new EU copyright legislation for creators

    What is article 11 and article 13? How does it affect creators, bloggers and YouTubers?

  • What is GDPR and how does it affect bloggers and freelancers?

    What is GDPR and how does it affect bloggers and freelancers?

    It’s become quite normal for us to share personal information online. Because of this data protection regulations need to be updated to ensure security standards are being met. These regulations set rules for how and when you (the ‘data controllers’) can collect personal data (such as name, email address, location, postal address, IP address) and…

  • Sponsored Content – how to legally publish sponsored posts and how much to charge for them

    Sponsored Content – how to legally publish sponsored posts and how much to charge for them

    Years ago when someone mentioned blog advertising you would immediately think of flashing banners above the header, between posts and in the sidebar. These days advertising on blogs and websites has had to become more unique and creative, as we now subconsciously ignore the majority of banner ads on a website. Sponsored content is sometimes…

  • 8 posts about the blogging industry that you need to read

    8 posts about the blogging industry that you need to read

    8 blogs posts from 2016 about the blogging community and changes in the industry that you need to read ft. Em Sheldon, Joanne Larby, Emma Gannon, Inthefrow, skinnedcartree, Grace Victory, Rosemary Mac Cabe & Fashion Slave.

  • Quick tips to eliminate clutter on your blog

    Quick tips to eliminate clutter on your blog

    Welcome to day 5 of Marianne’s blog tour, a movement that is supporting women around the world to create a life they love. Marianne from Design your own (lovely) Blog has been helping women to create lives they love by giving them confidence when it comes to their own blog designs. Marianne’s goal is to…

  • How to legally use images and content in your blog posts

    How to legally use images and content in your blog posts

    This is the forth and final post in this bloggers guide to copyright series. We’ve covered what Copyright, Creative Commons, Fair Use and Copyright Infringement mean, talked about tips for protecting content, writing copyright notices, stating terms of use and how to contact someone who used your content without permission. Today I’ll be talking about…

  • What you can do if someone steals your content

    What you can do if someone steals your content

    The previous two posts in this bloggers guide to copyright series was an overview of Copyright, Creative Commons, Plagiarism, Fair Use and Copyright Infringement and tips for protecting your content and writing a copyright notice. Today’s topic is what to do if you discover your content being used somewhere that you did not give your…

  • Tips for protecting your content + writing copyright notices

    Tips for protecting your content + writing copyright notices

    My last post in this bloggers guide to copyright series was an overview of Copyright, Creative Commons, Plagiarism, Fair Use and Copyright Infringement. Today I’m going to talk a little more about how to protect your blog content (articles, posts, images, etc) and the kind of notices you should display on your site to let…

  • Stay out of legal trouble as a blogger – get to know copyright law

    Stay out of legal trouble as a blogger – get to know copyright law

    How much do you know about copyright? Republishing a blog post or using someone else’s image isn’t 100% correct but you gave them credit so it’s okay, right? Wrong! I have noticed a lot more bloggers tweeting about their posts or images being stolen lately, it’s always very disheartening to have something you spent a…

  • Avoid blogging burnout + overcome bloggers block

    Avoid blogging burnout + overcome bloggers block

    With so many blogs out there it’s easy to feel like a little fish in a big huge pond, to feel like you’re putting a lot out there and not getting much back, to feel like other bloggers are better, to feel like you’ve used up all of your best ideas or simply to feel…

  • How to prepare your blog for the new year

    How to prepare your blog for the new year

    Traffic is typically at it’s lowest between Christmas and a couple of days after New Years while everyone is either celebrating or recovering. This gives you the perfect opportunity to work on your blog and preparing for the year ahead. Here’s some of my tips for getting your blog ready for a new year. Plan…

  • The top 10 essential design tips to attract blog readers

    The top 10 essential design tips to attract blog readers

    We all know that first impressions are important, especially when it comes to blogging – a hard to read blog just won’t be read. So from the moment a new visitor lands on your blog, you need to knock their socks off!! I get emails all the time asking me for design tips so today…

  • How to restore your Blogger blog, template and posts from a backup

    How to restore your Blogger blog, template and posts from a backup

    As I mentioned in my previous post, it is extremely important to back up your entire blog in case something happens. So now that you’ve all (hopefully) created a backup, how do you restore your blog if anything happens. Backing up and restoring your blogger blog is easy. Simply download the XML files, keep them…

  • How to backup your entire WordPress or Blogger/Blogspot blog

    How to backup your entire WordPress or Blogger/Blogspot blog

    We all know how many hours go into creating the “perfect” blog. We also know how annoying and frustrating it can be when something crashes, fails to save or gets deleted. Imagine if one day poof your blog was gone – hacked, deleted or corrupted! It is so important to backup your blog on a…