Automatically backup your WordPress site for free using UpdraftPlus
There are several free and paid plugins that will automatically backup your WordPress site, today I’ll show you how to schedule backups using UpdraftPlus. It is one of the most popular free WordPress backup plugins available. It currently has over 2 million active installations and 3,000+ 5 star reviews. UpdraftPlus [affiliate link] allows you to…
8 factors to consider when choosing a web host provider for your blog
Eight things to think about when choosing your web host provider
How to disable the Gutenberg block editor and use the previous WordPress editor instead
WordPress 5.0 brings a number of changes, most significantly the new block editor known as Gutenberg. If you’ve already updated to WordPress 5.0 and don’t like the new editing experience, you may be wondering if you can return to the previous WordPress editor instead. If you prefer the classic editor, have compatibility issues with Gutenberg…
Hello WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg – What to do before updating and why you should wait until January
WordPress 5.0 is finally here! After two years of development and pushed deadlines – the latest version of WordPress is now available. It is being referred to as “the new era of WordPress” as it brings a number of changes that I’ll discuss below. I’m also sharing some information, tips and advice on how to…
How to easily check and update the PHP version of your WordPress site
WordPress is written in a programming language called PHP. This allows content to be saved and read from the database, pulls in different files and just makes your site run as it should. WordPress recommend PHP version 7.4 or greater, but according to WordPress stats page 83.6% of WordPress sites are using PHP 7.0 or…
An Introduction to Gutenberg Editor – New WordPress Feature (With Demo)
WordPress are making some changes as they introduce one of the biggest updates to the user experience in several years – the Gutenberg editor. If you’re fairly active within the WordPress community then there’s no doubt you’ve heard about Gutenberg since early 2017. If not then you may have noticed a message about it on…
7 common WordPress errors (and how to easily fix them)
Ever come across a WordPress error that you have no idea how to resolve? Here are seven common errors you’re likely to come across while working with WordPress and easy solutions on how to fix them. 1. Error: The White Screen of Death I think one of the most terrifying errors is the white screen…
How to add nofollow links in WordPress navigation menus (and open in a new tab)
There may come a time when you want to add a nofollow tag to links in your navigation – whether for external links, social media icons or something else. This post will show you how to add nofollow links in WordPress navigation menus and how to make them open in a new tab/window so that…
Hide Pinterest Vertical Images on WordPress and Blogger (while staying on Google’s good side!)
As a blogger, Pinterest has the potential to drive huge amounts of traffic to your site. Optimising your blog posts specifically for Pinterest by using vertical images is important, but sometimes it doesn’t suit to have such a long image in your post. One technique is to hide vertical images in your post so that…
Need to show a brand your content before publishing? Here’s how others can preview your post on WordPress…
There are times with blogging where you’ll want to let someone see the finished formatted blog post before you hit publish. To do this, you could send them a screenshot of the post preview or set up a user account letting them login… but neither of these solutions are ideal. Instead try the WordPress plugin…
How to point your domain to a different web hosting company
Now that you’ve learned all about domains and hosting and have hopefully managed to purchase exactly what you need, it’s time to link the two together so we can set up your new website or blog. When and why do I need to link my domain and hosting? As mentioned in those previous posts, you…
The difference between hosted and self-hosted blogging platforms
Today I wanted to talk about a topic that can be confusing when you first decide to start a blog – the initial setup. You’ll read things about free blogging platforms, self-hosted platforms, domains and hosting and the many differences between them. This post will explain all that! I’ve actually had this in my drafts…