How to install DISQUS Comments on Blogger

DISQUS is one of the most popular commenting systems out there for blogs. I mentioned it previously when I compared the 3 main commenting systems for Blogger so you can read about the benefits and features of DISQUS in that post. It has a great design and spam filter, is easy to install and use and also automatically adds the nofollow attribute to commenters links.

How to install DISQUS Comments on Blogger

1. Sign up to DISQUS here. It will ask you to provide a username, email address and password. It will then ask you your site name, your shortname (unique ID to identify your blog) and to choose a category that your blog fits into.

2. On the settings page in the Admin section it will ask you to choose your platform. You can choose WordPress, Squarespace, Tumblr and more. For this tutorial, we’ll choose Blogger.

3. Click the “Add [name] to my site” which will open a new window with the add a gadget option. Select the blog you want to add it on and click Add Widget. You’ll be redirected to Bloggers Layout page where you’ll see the new gadget. I tend to move it under the blog gadget to keep things organised but that’s not necessary.

4. On DISQUS, choose your site and go to Settings. Here you can change the colour scheme, typeface, moderation rules, avatars and other settings for your comments.

5. If you have existing comments via Blogger, you may want to transfer them into DISQUS. On DISQUS, go to Discussion > Import. You can select the platform and import your comments. It can take up to 24 hours to import depending on how many comments you had.

6. If you’re switching blogging platform (from Blogger to WordPress for example) or have changed your domain you can migrate your comments. On DISQUS, go to Discussion > Tools > Start Domain Migration Wizard and follow the instructions.

7. If you’re using an old Blogger template, you’ll need to update a line of code. You can see those instructions here.

8. If you’re using Bloggers default mobile template, you’ll have to enable DISQUS for that separately. You can check this in the Template section under Mobile. To enable DISQUS for mobile templates go to Template > Edit HTML and search for disqus, you’ll find something similar to the following

<b:widget id='HTML#' locked='false' title='Disqus for #' type='HTML'> ... </b:widget>

After locked='false' add mobile='yes' like this

<b:widget id='HTML#' locked='false' mobile='yes' title='Disqus for #' type='HTML'> ... </b:widget>

and save. If you aren’t using a mobile template and are showing the desktop version instead, then DISQUS will be automatically enabled.

Post last updated:

28 responses to “How to install DISQUS Comments on Blogger”

  1. I really like Disqus although I still have Blogger comments on my blog. I think that it’s great when you receive notification when someone replies to your comment!!

    xx Cecil //

  2. Also worth mentioning is that Disqus isn’t automatically embedded onto mobile for blogger. I had to learn that the hard way :/ Disqus has an article on it somewhere and it isn’t too hard to change.

    1. Hello, thank you for reminding me. I’ve added a tutorial for it above 🙂

  3. I’ve tried using Disqus multiple times because I really like interacting in my comments section but every time I install it some thing goes wrong. I was wondering does anyone have trouble with the comments section not appearing on the main page of your blog (whether it be no comments/ or x comments). Not sure if the previous sentence makes any sense – I’m trying to figure out how can my readers just click comments to comment, instead of having to click into the actual post. And also, are all your existing comments supposed to look scattered and all over the place? Or can they look semi-organized like how it does on blogger currently. Because all my responses seem to be at the top – not as a reply. Thanks in advance for your help, really enjoy your blog – its the first place I go to when I have any questions or problems 🙂

    1. Hey Jessica. Thank you so much, I’m really happy to hear that you find it helpful! Some templates have difficulty displaying the comment link ( x comments ) on the homepage, you need to edit some of the code to fix that. Readers have to click into the post in order to comment on the post, but you can code the comment link so that clicking it will bring them to the comment form at the bottom of the post. I have noticed that replies do appear as separate “comments” instead when imported from Blogger to Disqus, I don’t believe anything can be done about this as it’s just how Disqus import / sync the comments. Hope I’ve answered your questions?

      1. Yes, this helps a lot! I’ll try to code something so that the comments can show on the main page or contact the template designer for help. Thank you so much.

  4. Thank you! Such an easy to follow guide. I really appreciate your help! 🙂

  5. Thank you for this wonderful post! I just wanted to ask how can I import comments from blogger to disqus? I always get this
    “Potential application errors caused by Google Apps API and authentication protocols deprecation” every time I try to import.

    1. Hello Christine, they are having some issue at the moment with import and sync options and are working to fix it. You would need to contact them for more information, but they do say you can import the comments later on too if you install the comment system now.

  6. I really love disqus and its commenting system etc, but after I reinstalled it, my comment count is really weird. Sometimes it won’t even show it at all. Sometimes it flashes google comments for a second. I am really sad about that. Can you help?

    1. Hello Mai, the comment count features on some templates (mostly custom or customised ones) need to be coded to include to Disqus comment count instead of the Blogger one. There’s some information on that here.

  7. If you install Disqus and replace the blogger default commenting system, do you lose all the comments that have been placed with the default system?

    1. You can import your Blogger comments so that the appear in Disqus comments (step 5) and sync both platforms 🙂

  8. Potential application errors caused by Google Apps API…….. How to let google index ter comments.?

    1. Hello. I am not sure exactly what you are reffering to as I don’t use Disqus myself but I know that they have been having a few issues with the Sync / Import feature due to Googles API update and I’m sure other areas too. You would need to contact them with your question if you are experiencing bugs.

  9. I’m thinking whether or not install disqus commenting system on my blogger blog. I think I should use disqus.

  10. very helpfull post.
    Need more like this.
    Discus comment system is a great blog commenting way.
    Thanks for share

  11. Great sharing. Thanks for your tutorial. I agree that Disqus is one of the best commenting systems. Nowadays a large number of bloggers use this commenting system. But I think blogger default commenting system is not bad. I like the default settings.
    Disqus gives us more facilities. Bloggers and commenters both will get the same facilities in Disqus. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This tutorial is very good. I love the interface of disqus commenting system.

  13. Great post. Thanks for sharing a nice post with us

  14. I always want to do this on my blog but failed so many times. Thank you soo much for showing me the proper way to install Disquis.

  15. Thank you so much.Such an easy to follow guide. It really helps me a lot.

  16. jose


    I have Disqus install since yesterday, now my old blogger comments are not showing, I will like to have the Blogger and the Disqus comments, is possible?

    1. Since you’re using a third party theme, you’ll need to check with the development if the theme supports Disqus comments

  17. Diana

    Thanks This tutorial worked like a charm

  18. SaintMalik

    Thanks bro I really appreciate this article of yours.. I found it helpful.. thanks once again for this…

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