How to create a blog header (no Photoshop)

create a blog header in gimp
Another tutorial that has been on my to-do list for a very long time is how to create a header or banner for your blog without the use of Photoshop. I’m going to show you how I created the header that I use on my personal blog and in doing so hopefully you’ll understand the tools and be able to manipulate the actions to create a header that suits you.

Alternatives to Photoshop/GIMP

How to create a blog header in GIMP – now in HD!

Step by Step: Creating a blog header with an offset stroke

  1. Download GIMP from, its free and legal.
  2. Open a new template and set the size to fit your blog. Choose the colour of your background or make it transparent.
  3. Pick the Text Tool, choose the background colour of your text and create a text box by clicking and dragging. Write your blog name, choose your font and text size.
  4. Now onto the stroke which is the outline. Right click on your text layer in the layers panel, choose Text to Path. Create a New Layer.
  5. Click the Paths tab. Select the Path you just created and click Paint Along The Path. Choose your stroke settings such as style and width and the stroke colour. Click Stroke.
  6. Delete path and go back to the Layers Tab.
  7. To create the offset, choose the Move Tool. Select the text layer or the stroke layer to offset and move it off slightly.
  8. Choose the Text Tool again, this time write you tagline. A tagline simply describes what your blog is about.
  9. To save go to File > Export to, enter a name and choose where you want to save the file. Pick the file type. If you have a transparent background, save it as a .png
  10. Now all you have to do is upload it to your blog!

main tools used in GIMP

Used this tutorial to create a header? Let me know, I’d love to see want you’ve made.

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12 responses to “How to create a blog header (no Photoshop)”

    1. Ellie M avatar

      Thanks lovely x

  1. Carla avatar

    Thanks posting! Your directions are so clear and concise, I’m excited to try this!

    1. Ellie M avatar

      Thank you, let me know how you get on x

  2. itmiii avatar

    please tell me how i do handlee regular font blog post title on blogger!? i really want this <3

    1. Ellie M avatar

      Have a tutorial about this coming up ๐Ÿ™‚ x

    2. Ellie M avatar

      the tutorial will be up tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Janine avatar

    just found this tutorial, was very helpful! will definitely keep your blog as a bookmark, thank you very much!

    1. Ellie M avatar

      Glad you thought so! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Amit Kumar avatar

    thanks for sharing this helpful post. its really amazing..!!

  5. lyz avatar

    Hi! Can I link this tutorial on my blog? I’m making a resource page.

    1. Ellie M avatar

      Of course ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you!