How to create a sitemap on Blogger and submit it to Google and Bing

A sitemap is simply a directory of all the pages existing on your site, like a table of contents showing the structure of your blog. Sitemaps help search engines crawl your site and index it properly.

Search engines will crawl your site if you have a sitemap or not, but this makes the process easier and quicker for them. We want search engine spiders to know your blogs structure so that they can easily understand and index it.

How to create a sitemap on Blogger in 2022

Google now automatically create a sitemap for your Blogger blog in your root directory. This makes the process a whole lot easier, all you have to do now is submit your sitemap to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools. The sitemap is available at the following URLs.

Blogger – Default URL

Blogger – Custom URL

This new default sitemap is automatically added to the default robots.txt file, so you don’t have to create a custom one. making the process a lot easier.

The sitemap file also contains links to pages like

Adding the Blogger sitemap to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools

Now login to Google Webmaster Tools. Add or select your blog. On the left click Crawl > Sitemaps > Add/Test Sitemap.

You’ll see your blog name and a text input box. Paste sitemap.xml in the field and test for errors. Once the test results come back okay, redo the steps but this time press submit.

Google will now start to crawl and index your site. You can check what pages have been indexed on the Webmaster Tools. To submit your sitemap to Bing, login to Bings Webmaster Tools, add your URL, verify ownership and then submit your sitemap. It may take a few days for your site to be indexed.

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88 responses to “How to create a sitemap on Blogger and submit it to Google and Bing”

  1. Will that only index 500 posts? What if we have more than 500 posts? xx

    1. Yes, we set it at 500 posts because single sitemaps shouldn’t exceed around 50mb. I’ve updated the post to include information about adding multiple sitemaps for blogs with more than 500 posts.

    2. can we make it 1000 post and again can it create the another site map for 1000 ?

      1. Hello! Yes, depending on the size of your feed. Check the paragraph under “How to create a sitemap for Blogger” for details.

  2. This is absolutely brilliant. Thanks so much. I have been trying to figure this out for ages. You’re a gem x

    1. Awh thank you! Glad to help 🙂 x

  3. Thank you for the sharing. That was explained in a very clear sentences… eventhough we do not speak english very well.. thanks again..

  4. Thank you for the sharing. That was explained in a very clear sentences… eventhough we do not speak english very well.. thanks again..

  5. This is absolutely brilliant. Thanks so much. I have been trying to figure this out for ages. You’re a gem x

  6. Enite Young Odebala

    Thanks for sharing this…it worked on my blog

  7. thnx , i was unable to add my blogger site map , this post helped me ..

  8. This post can help me add a sitemap to my blog and it’s great worked, keep it up, thanks you.

  9. Daryl John

    This is a very great article for beginners, thank you so much i really appreciate this tutorial and applied it to my blog.

  10. Thanks alot for this easy and handy tutorial. I pinned 🙂

  11. Afrasiab Ali Khan

    This is a really nice and helpful post thanks for the create content.

  12. Hi Ellie! Would this code still work If I’ve subscribed to RSS and not atom?

    1. Hello. You use this for sitemaps and can use Atom or RSS for your blog feed 🙂

  13. Thanks for solve my problem. I put this site map code my blogger blog.

  14. Great, it worked
    Thanks for sharing

  15. Thanks for the useful tip. What should I do if I use a custom domain?

    1. If you’re using the Blogger platform it’s done exactly the same with a custom url as is a blogspot url, see “Blogger – Custom URL” under the heading “how to create a sitemap for blogger” for the site map link.

  16. thanks its really helpful and easy to follow

  17. Hi Ellie,
    Very great article and i must say very useful.
    Thanks for the information.

  18. I just wanted to say thank you. Your website has been consistently helpful in managing my blog. I find myself coming back to it again and again in Google searches. This in particular was a very clear post with accurate information.

  19. It work like a charm in my site. Thank you so much for creating this kind of tutorial. It helps us a lot.

  20. hey… just dropping a comment to say thank you for this useful article… it saves me some time figuring it out how to attached a sitemap for blogger blog. ..

  21. Thanx Buddy…!! It helped me a Lot..!! 🙂

  22. Thank you man !!!!!!!!!

    This information is really helpful …:)

  23. Thank you….this post helped me a lot..
    Thank you for sharing this.

  24. This helped me too, thanks a lot!!

  25. Hasan

    It is a full details content. It is really helpful. thanks for share..

  26. aditya bhoir

    Thank you!!!!

  27. awesome post

    Thank YOU

  28. Beulah

    I’m new to blog. I’ve created a Blog with domain but it is hosted in blogger, so I don’t know how to add sitemap like you have said how to mention the blog name.

    1. The steps above will show you how to add it. See “Blogger – Custom URL” under the heading “How to create a sitemap for Blogger” for your site map URL.

      1. Beulah

        Hey Thanks Ellie 🙂
        I finally succeeded in adding up. You can please update more articles on Blogger SEO tricks .

  29. So grateful i found this page .it wasn’t as easy as thought it would be ,until i found your post . thank you

  30. Thank you very much, you blog has really helped me to get to grips with blogging,its an invaluable resource !

  31. Thank you Ellie for the post, and I also want to inform you that adding /sitemap.xml in front does not only index recent posts, it also indexes all the posts. (I am not sure if this works for custom domains on blogger)

    OFFTOPIC: I also wanted to tell you that I really like your site, and I am also a frequent visitor. I was wondering if there was anyway to subscribe to get your updates in my email

    all smiles 🙂 🙂

  32. thanks for the great tips,

  33. thank you for outstanding post. I always forgot to post sitemap to webmaster

  34. This was very well explained and helped me do it in about 5 minutes. For people who have larger website can use this link I found that actually creates the entire site map so no manual typing is needed
    It resulted in the exact same thing that you have explained earlier

  35. Thank you soo much… it works on my blog.

  36. Thank you for giving a great post

  37. his post has really helped me in submitting sitemaps for my new blogs

  38. I tried to submit my sitemap in webmaster tools as your way, but it displays “sitemap is not submitted. becaues the url is not a valid” error message why?

    1. This post has been updated, see the new steps to adding a Blogger sitemap. Try opening your sitemap URL in a web browser before submitting.

  39. D

    This guide doesn’t work for me.
    I got 1500+ articles on my blog, but even if i added 3 sitemap to robot.txt (1-500; 501-1000; 1001-1500), when i insert the links pointing to the 3 sitemaps on Google Search Console (former webmaster tool page), it only finds 151 pages for the first sitemap, the same 151 for the second and again 151 for the third, all the same.
    Someone else got this problem too?

    1. This post has been updated, see the new steps to adding a Blogger sitemap.

  40. Does this site map URL generates automatically?

    1. Yes, the new Blogger one is automatic. You just have to submit it to search engines 🙂

  41. Thank you so much! I have added a sitemap to google and bing.

    All i have to do now is add 500+ posts to my blog so that google and bing wouldn’t be left with a sitemap ready to crawl all dressed up and no place to go! LOL

  42. This was so helpful! Thank you so much for this!

  43. Thanks, it work.
    Pls what about how to add robot.txt code in blogger.
    send to my mail

  44. Found this post amazingly useful.

  45. thank you for outstanding post.

  46. Komukote

    Thank you…
    This article is very useful

  47. Afra Siab

    Thanks for the post, i just wanted to ask you that how many blogger posts should i have before i try to create and submit sitemap for blogger any idea, please guide me.

  48. I just happened a few days ago to create a blog on blogspot. My blog has not been verified and submit sitemap to google webmaster tool. After reading this article I immediately practice it.

    Thanks admin

  49. Nice article thanks so much for this information

  50. How to create an image sitemap for blogger. My images are getting indexed by Google. Google search console is not displaying the number of images indexed against publised images.

  51. This was really helpful! Thanks a lot for sharing.

  52. This was extremely helpful, thank you fellow blogger.

  53. Wow. Thank you for your help and support.

  54. Thanks bhai for helping and creating me to make the sitemap for my blog.

  55. Wow! Thank You so-much, it helped me for my blogspot site. Also it was too easy to submit on Search Console.
    – Thanks once more.

  56. Thanks For Great Article About Sitemap. After Read Your Article Very Clear about Sitemap. I Am Added Sitemap In this Way. Google Indexed 100% Done For My Website. Thanks Once Again.

  57. Thanks a lot for updating us on generating and submitting blogger sitemap to
    Google webmastertools. I have been doing it the old way.

  58. Hifza Noreen

    Thanks for some great information..

  59. Your tutorial was helpful, I added sitemap on my site

  60. Munna

    Thank you for sharing this awesome post with us. It was really helpful for me because i was looking for such kind of post for my site.

  61. I have new site and i post 5 post on this blog can i submit sitemap to google search console

  62. Thanks Xomisse. I was searching for a blog which has blogger sitemap article to link with my post. I am not in mood to write one by myself.
    Don’t know your name though :’)

  63. hello, I use my own domain name on blogger. my sitemap has only 69 posts but my blog has a total of 89 posts, what does this mean? and is there a post limit for sitemaps? I’m a proper newbie, pls help. thanks

  64. really helpful for beginners

  65. erum shabina

    Thanks your article is very helpful..

  66. Great Post! Thanks for this informative post and the good thing is that you can build sitemap online. A sitemap reveals the initial definition of what you are going to offer on your website. This gives you an opportunity to make a good impression especially to new visitors who don’t have an idea how to navigate on your website. Simple structures work well but avoid the danger of making it too basic to be misunderstood. You can reference it in sitemaps, content strategies and functional specifications and it’s also a great way to show to the client what you are planning to build them.

  67. Thanks for sharing nice info, i am implemented on my blog

  68. Anna Sally

    Hi there! Nice stuff, do keep me posted when you post again something like this!

  69. I find this post very useful for newbie.


    1. Sam experience i feel but i am using Custom blogger template and my developer create site map so how i convert into automatically sitemap by blogger

  70. Aadil Latief

    Im facing 404 error with my sitemap. Help

  71. Thanks for you kind information. I had implemented it on my blog