Category: Miscellaneous

Some personal updates, opinion pieces and miscellaneous content

  • Why you shouldn’t draft  blog posts using programs like Microsoft Word and Google Docs

    Why you shouldn’t draft blog posts using programs like Microsoft Word and Google Docs

    Do you draft your blog posts in Word or Google Docs and then copy them over to your blog? If so, do your blog posts have a different text style? Have you had any coding/layout issues on your blog? This post is just briefly to explain why you should avoid using programs like MS Word…

  • Add a “Scroll Back to Top” button to Blogger

    Add a “Scroll Back to Top” button to Blogger

    A “back to top” button can be really helpful for your readers, especially if you have a lot of posts appearing on your homepage and no sticky navigation. This post will show you how to add one that will only appear when the user begins to scroll down your blog. An example can be seen…

  • Make navigation bar + other blog elements partially transparent

    Make navigation bar + other blog elements partially transparent

    I’ve gotten quite a few questions recently about how to make the navigation bar and other elements slightly transparent so that’s what I’ll cover today. It’s really simple, just two lines of CSS that need to be applied to an element with a background. I’ll be using a navigation bar to demonstrate this tutorial but…

  • Using custom redirects on Blogger

    Using custom redirects on Blogger

    Occasionally with blogging you’ll feel you want a change, with this you’ll do a lot of editing – publishing new updated posts, deleting old or previous posts, moving them, renaming name, etc. This all leads to broken links and pages/posts that don’t exist. On Blogger you can set up custom redirects to keep the traffic…

  • Adding the alt text attribute to image tags for SEO

    Adding the alt text attribute to image tags for SEO

    I mentioned in a previous post about simple SEO steps for increasing traffic that you should add descriptive alt tags to your images and since I’ve had a few emails regarding how to do that in Blogger I’d thought I’d right a quick tutorial for future reference. What is the alt attribute An alt tag…

  • How to Correctly Center HTML Items using CSS and Avoid Non-Supported Methods – Basics of HTML #6

    How to Correctly Center HTML Items using CSS and Avoid Non-Supported Methods – Basics of HTML #6

    Today’s post is another in the The Basics of HTML for Beginners and Blogger Series, all about properly centering HTML items using CSS. There’s a number of ways to center items so here is an overview. I’ll try explain each methods as best I can, starting with the incorrect ways. The incorrect ways to center…

  • Text Formatting and Fonts in HTML – Basics of HTML #5

    Text Formatting and Fonts in HTML – Basics of HTML #5

    I briefly covered this in my Basics of HTML for Beginners post, however I wanted to come back to it in more detail and cover text formatting using HTML. We can add tags to our text content to give it more structure and style, helping readers follow along and letting web crawlers know what’s important…

  • Show post summary on search + label pages only

    Show post summary on search + label pages only

    I wrote a previous tutorial about adding post summaries with a thumbnail to your Blogger blog so that a short extract is shown along with a read more link instead of the full post. I was asked if it was possible to show full posts on the homepage and excerpts only on searches such as…

  • How to set up Twitter Cards for Blogger and WordPress

    How to set up Twitter Cards for Blogger and WordPress

    Twitter Cards allow you to add media to your tweets. It’s very well known that updates on social media platforms with images are what gets shared the most. A good way to add an extra element to your tweets without having to upload an image with every tweet is by using Twitter Cards to automatically…

  • Add social media icons to your navigation bar

    Add social media icons to your navigation bar

    Adding social media icons to your blogs navigation bar is just like adding links, but instead of text we’ll be using images / icons. I’ve updated this post to be less specific so it can be tweaked and applied to any navigation. 1. Add a class to your current navigation Go to Layout and click…

  • Add a search bar to your navigation menu

    Add a search bar to your navigation menu

    Another highly requested tutorial for you today on adding a search bar to your navigation menu on Blogger. It’s a good way to integrate a few things into one navigation bar to save on space and help your readers find what they are looking for. My next tutorial will show you how to add social…

  • Create a dropdown select box using subcategories

    Create a dropdown select box using subcategories

    Today’s post will be on adding a drop down menu to display post labels as categories and subcategories. The easiest way to explain is to show you the example below – clicking on the menu will display a list of categories and indented subcategories, by clicking on one of the options you’ll be brought to…