Attending Blogtacular 2016? See you there!

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be returning to Blogtacular June 18th. I held the DIY Blog Design session last year, and met some really lovely people as well as having a fantastic day. I am so happy to be invited back, I cannot wait!

Blogtacular is an annual blogging conference held in London. It’s really about getting like-minded creatives together to chat about blogging – inspiring each other, sharing tips, learning from one another and networking. There are some amazing speakers throughout the day again this year, including Laura Jane Williams, Xanthe Berkeley, Kristabel Plummer and Lisa Congdon. You’ll find more information about the speakers here along with a schedule for the day.

I’ll be joining four other lovely ladies at the Creative Genius Bar in between speaker sessions and will be available to answer your questions on blog design, coding and everything else blog related. If there’s something you want to know how to do, need something fixed, or simply looking for some blog advice please do pop over to the Genius Bar and say hello. I’m happy to help in any way I can!

My tips for attending Blogtacular

  • Wear flat shoes! I wore heeled boots last year and although I survived just fine I sure was happy to take those off that night. It’s a long day so make sure you’re comfortable.
  • Bring a small bag packed with your business cards, phone, camera, something to take notes on and chargers. If you’re coming to me for blog/coding help make sure you know your login details!
  • Do a little research into who else is going, use the ticket holder Facebook group to introduce yourself to others and check out their blogs. This helps to “break the ice” by chatting online before then introducing yourself in person.
  • Check out what speaker sessions you want to attend, you’ll get a programme on the day but having a little read about each speaker beforehand really helps.
  • It’s also handy to have a quick glance over your elevator pitch (or create one if you haven’t already). What’s an elevator pitch? A quick introduction that explains who you are and what you do, that is only a couple of sentences.
  • Remember the hashtag #blogtacular when sharing on social media!

Purchasing Tickets

Tickets are on red alert, and will be going up in price on May 30th so if you’re thinking about going to Blogtacular this June now is the time to buy your ticket! Still not sure? Check out my review from last year here.

Are you heading along to Blogtacular in June? Let me know in the comments!

Photograph by Will Ireland and thanks to Mollie Makes

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